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Elliptic Curve

The Elliptic Curve module provides functionalities for performing operations such as point addition, scalar multiplication, and verifying if a point lies on a given curve. These operations are fundamental in various cryptographic applications that utilize Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).


In ECC, we deal with equations that define elliptic curves over finite fields. The standard form of an elliptic curve equation is y^2 = x^3 + ax + b, where a and b represent the curve coefficients. By choosing a specific curve and operating within a finite field, we can use these curves for cryptographic purposes, like secure key exchange, digital signatures, and encryption.

The EllipticCurve Class

The EllipticCurve class represents a particular curve with its parameters and encompasses operations you can perform on points on the curve.


  • p: The prime number defining the finite field's order.
  • a: The 'a' coefficient in the curve equation.
  • b: The 'b' coefficient in the curve equation.
  • G: The base point or generator, a predefined point on the curve.
  • n: The base point 'G's order.
  • h: The cofactor.


add_points(self, p1, p2) -> Point

This method allows you to add two points (p1 and p2) on the curve together. As long as the points are valid and not inverses of each other, their addition results in a third point on the curve, which the method then returns.

multiply_point(self, k, p) -> Point

The multiply_point method is used to compute the scalar multiplication of a point p by an integer k. The multiplication yields another point on the curve.

is_point_on_curve(self, p) -> bool

The is_point_on_curve method checks if a given point p is indeed on the curve you're working with.

Practical Examples

Creating an Elliptic Curve

Here's how you can define an elliptic curve and instantiate the EllipticCurve class with these parameters:

from ecutils.core import EllipticCurve, Point

# Example parameters
p = 23  # The prime number defining the finite field's order
a = 1   # The 'a' coefficient in the curve equation
b = 1   # The 'b' coefficient in the curve equation
G = Point(0, 1)
n = 28
h = 1

curve = EllipticCurve(p=p, a=a, b=b, G=G, n=n, h=h)

Adding Points

To add two points on the elliptic curve:

# Define points on the curve
point1 = Point(x=6, y=19)
point2 = Point(x=3, y=13)

# Add the points
sum_point = curve.add_points(point1, point2)
print(f"The sum of the points is ({sum_point.x}, {sum_point.y}).")

Scalar Multiplication

To multiply a point by a scalar:

# Choose a scalar value
k = 3

# Perform the multiplication
product_point = curve.multiply_point(k, G)
print(f"The product of the point and scalar is ({product_point.x}, {product_point.y}).")

Validating Points

To check whether a point is on the curve:

# Validate the point
is_valid = curve.is_point_on_curve(point1)
print(f"Is the point on the curve? {is_valid}")

Important Notes

When using the EllipticCurve class, make sure all points are within the finite field specified by p. Also, keep in mind that scalar values used for multiplication should be in the appropriate range, usually between 1 and n-1.

By understanding the EllipticCurve class functionalities, you can efficiently carry out essential ECC operations for cryptographic purposes. Always be mindful of the integrity and security principles governing the use of cryptographic tools.